Monday, October 5, 2009

A Rod Vs. A Rod

Featured! (Game, team or player we are into today)

Is it Monday yet? Monday night football! Who is hotter Brett or Aaron? We vote for the Cali boy - Aaron Rodgers (the A Rod of football) of the Green Bay Packers. He is hot - likes to throw the ball - and took Brett Favre's place when he pretended to retire.

Can't wait to see who comes out on top!

Score! (Gossip, interviews and intelligent scoops)

So A Rod (Alex Rodriguez) decided to really go out with a bang last night. 7 RBI's in one inning, setting a new AL record! A 3 run home run and a grand slam in one inning. He finishes the season with 30 homers and 100 RBI's.

But more importantly - is A Rod having a baby with Kate Hudson? They have been seen kissing at Yankee Stadium and holding hands while out in NYC. But the funniest part - A Rod was mentioned on SNL during weekend update Saturday night: If she is prego - then it is the first time he has "produced" in October.

Oh to be so good and to have never won it all...