Monday, November 2, 2009

Keep on Running

Featured! (Game, team or player we are into today)
Today was a perfect day in NYC.  What's the best way to recover from a wet Halloween parade followed by a steamy costume party? How about running over 26 miles through the 5 boros. Bright and early this morning the 40th incarnation of the ING NYC Marathon started in Staten Island. For the women this year, when the elite 5 (who are all moms) broke away from the rest of the pack heading up First Ave toward the Bronx  you could feel the intense determination of Paula Radcliff (UK) as she lead.  But with only 2 miles until the finish line she faltered and gave way to Derartu Tulu from Ethiopia. The bigger news is that Meb Keflezighi (USA) finished first for the men.  He is the first American to win since 1982.  He finished in just over 2 hours and 9 minutes.  As he crossed the finish line Lenny Kravit's "Always on the run" was playing.

Vaca! (cool tidbits for your sports holiday)
If you find yourself in the city of brotherly love (you'd never know it was nicknamed that by the way the fans act) don't be surprised if, when you arrive by train you get booed like the Yankees did. And if you have time after your World Series game to do a bit of site seeing you must check out the Arshile Gorky exhibit at the Philly Museum of Art.

Make a Difference (ways to get involved)
So many people were running the Marathon today for a charity.  52 year old Joan Benoit Samuelson ran in a bright yellow Livestrong tank top.  Anthony Edwards ran to raise awareness for Shoe 4 Africa. He is big into this charity, even donating his $125,000 salary from the final episode of ER last year to the cause.  You can help their with their latest venture of building a new hospital in Africa.

Best, Miss Cin City