Monday, November 30, 2009

New Post every Monday! Check back all week for updates!

Loser of the Week (Player we don't love right now)

Oh Tiger.
Tiger, Tiger, Tiger.
Really? (In my best Amy Poehler voice).
A hot, blond, Swede wasn't good enough for you?
Voicemails, sexting, and email evidence?
A car accident at 2am in your drive-way that had nothing to do with your angry, hot, blond Swedish wife trying to putt you into the ground with your best 4-iron?
Worst of all - you will now be known as the cliche male athlete:
you had everything but wanted more.

Tiger's statement
Read the comments on Jezebel
The voicemail


Hottie of the Week (Player we love right now)

Bernard Scott - so cute! He's a rookie playing for the Bengals. He has yet to score (a touchdown that is) but we think he has super potential for the playoffs.

Score (featured game of the week)

Is it Monday yet? The New Orleans Saints (still hot - still a perfect 10-0) will play the New England patriots (7-3) at the New Orleans Superdome. Hottie Reggie Bush is asking all fans to wear all black to the game. Nice! Just my style. His good taste in clothing color still does not make up for his bad taste in ladies. He reconciled with Kim toomuchmakeup Kardashian in September. Now, after some time apart, they are

back together and looking for a house to share. Kim has said that they have decided to make it work between them - is that the sign of true love? - Miss Cin City

What to do Turkey day (besides a tryptophan overdose)

Give your parents and girlfriend a tour of your new 30 thousand plus sq. ft. home scheduled to be completed next year in Tampa.

Workout (as if.) A Rod and Kate Hudson were spotted at the Gold's Gym in Venice working out on Thursday morning. Both are sporting grey workout gear and shades. Very incognito. - Miss Cin City

Happy Holidays (pay it forward)
So pro football player Will Anderson left his Mac laptop and iphone in the ATL airport yesterday when he was traveling with his son. A good hearted lady named Alison Wilson turned it in and got it back to him. She refused a cash reward so he is sending her a signed jersey. So cool. A perfect Holiday story that makes me want to curl up with a spiked hot chocolate and watch my new DVD of a crackling fire. - Miss Cin City

Movies being watched now (Is Saturday night date night or what??)

This has been a great Thanksgiving weekend. By the time Saturday night rolled around I was ready to escape from my life by way of a movie. I love going to the movies. Being in a sold out theatre with stadium seating and great surround sound. Having said that, you could not pay me enough to see The Blind Side. I saw 2012. It was depressing - I mean it is about the end of the world. And not many of us survive. But the special effects were great (overall 3.5 stars.) I was not the only one watching highly paid actors on screen. Danika Patrick watched Gran Torino (I rated this move 3 stars) and Ryan Newman watched Forrest Gump (wtf?) (2 stars) presumably in their respective private screens rooms in their houses. Nice date night selections. -Miss Cin City.