Monday, November 9, 2009

Time for winter sports galore!

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Hot Athlete of the Week (it's all about the clothes)

The whole world knows that the New York Yankees won their 27th World Series. Since the end of title clinching game 6 the Yankees hottest players have been on a PR worldwide tour. And now we are really seeing some true talent. CC Sabathia was a guest (via satellite) on Jay Leno for the "10 questions at 10" segment. He looked super cute! Wearing a military style green jacket over a crisp white T. And he was at 30 Roc out in the cold so he also sported an adorable old school beanie. He was nice and charming during the questions - and his smile! So cute! He is definitely my HAOTW.

Now on to the Parade for the Yankees going up the "Canyon of Heroes" in lower Manhattan. Of course the Yankees were all smiles. But my smile vanished as soon as I saw the hat A Rod was sporting. Ok he is dressed in all black clothes - Jay Z style. But really? What year does he think this is?

Onto basketball: the Least Hot Athlete of the Week though, makes A Rod look like the Diva he is. I am talking about Lebron James. I mean - can you guess what Emo band playing on his I Pod right before this press conference? Yes he killed the Knicks scoring 19 points all by himself in the first quarter but that is no excuse!

Theres A-Rod!! #Yankees Parade on Twitpic