Friday, October 23, 2009

ALCS on Fox

Featured! (Game, team or player we are into today)
The ALCS on Fox. In general, we are not fans of Fox. Our fav shows are on NBC. But we love the technology Fox is using - the split screen between the pitcher and batter simultaneously with a picture in picture for the catcher giving the signs. Very cool. And the heated discussion of the use of instant replay in the commentators box. As bias as they both are it was sort of interesting to listen to. But should this game get any longer? We do not think so. If they use more instant replay it better be in fast real time - the technology is out there. The fans can adapt. What we do not love: the sponsored "freeze cam." That editor should be fired. We get it - he is working fast - but come on. Half the time the freeze shows something unrelated to the play or even blocks the play behind it. Nice try at a new way to market beer.
Score! (Gossip, interviews and intelligent scoops)

Crazy game last night - the 7th inning in particular. 9 runs and 2 lead changes between the Yankees and the Angels.
On another note:
Blonde actress/bartender asked for, and got! (according to Page Six) Mark Sanchez's digits while he was celebrating his brothers b day at the bar where she holds court and makes tips. Think it was his real number? His reps did not comment.

Impress! (Facts and figures to impress your date or mate)
How awesome is the 7th inning stretch? Thanks to wikipedia today we learned that the tradition of the 7th inning stretch dates back to the 1800's. What? Possibly beginning because of restless students at a Manhattan College baseball game they were told to stand up and get out their pent up energy. It worked. Now it has gone so far that stadiums have their own traditions - like last night at Angels Stadium. The play "Build me up buttercup," by the Foundations of 1968. Do you know the song - either from the movie Mallrats or There's Something About Mary? Don't get us wrong, it is a good sing along bar song, but really? Is that song supposed to get the crowd riled up and in the game? Not so sure. On to the Bronx for game 6 on Saturday!