Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Featured! (Game, team or player we are into today)

It’s supposed to be a pleasant 76 degrees today in LA when the Dodgers battle the Phillies in Game 1 of the NLCS. But I bet the owner’s box will be a lot chillier. Dodger’s owner, Frank McCourt, and his wife and team CEO, Jaime McCourt, just announced they were separating. What’s that saying – don’t mix business with pleasure?

Score! (Gossip, interviews and intelligent scoops)

Phillies starting pitcher, Cole Hamels, is not only last years World Series MVP, he’s a new dad! Congratulations to him and his wife, Heidi, on the birth of their son, Caleb Michael.

Not liking the TBS coverage? Snark brought to you by the LA Times:

Impress! (Facts and figures to impress your date or mate)

Poor right-hander Jeff Weaver. He was left off the roster for the NLCS by Dodger Manager Joe Torre. His brother, Jered, is most likely starting in Game 3 of the ALCS for the Angels. The last time brothers faced each other in the World Series was 1964 (Ken and Clete Boyer). At least now their parents don’t have to choose whom to root for.