Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tie Breaker

Featured! (Game, team or player we are into today)

For the 3rd year in a row there is a tie breaker game needed in baseball, this time between the Detroit Tigers and Minnesota Twins. The game will be played at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis - could be the last game here as next year they move to a new stadium. Watch for the crowd to be in all white, should look pretty cool. The winner will play the Yankees in the AL Division Series on Wednesday.

Which team do the Yankees have a better chance at beating? Either: since they both will use their best pitcher tonight just to advance. On second thought, maybe the Twins as the Yankees have beat them every game so far this year.

Score! (Gossip, interviews and intelligent scoops)

The NY Mets had a terrible season - they did not hustle - they did not care. Today when we voted in the poll at http://www.nydailynews.com/ for whether or not to fire the Owners of the Mets (Fred and Jeff Wilpon) the results were 68% to fire them - only 32% to keep them. The fans have spoken!

Impress! (Facts to impress your date or mate)

Tonights MLB game is the 9th end of the season tie breaker ever. The first was won by the Indians in 1948. They went on to win the World Series.

Service! (How you can make a difference)

According to http://www.nfl.com/: The National Football League will support October's National Breast Cancer Awareness Month with team community outreach. Games from Oct. 5-27 will be designated as NFL Breast Cancer Awareness games.

Each NFL team is choosing home games where they will have cool stuff going on to raise awareness about Breast Cancer - like handing out pink ribbons (Arizona Cardinals Oct 12th), or selling pink team t shirts with proceeds going to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation (Pittsburgh Steelers).

You can get involved here: http://ww5.komen.org/getinvolved/getinvolved.html