Monday, November 30, 2009

New Post every Monday! Check back all week for updates!

Loser of the Week (Player we don't love right now)

Oh Tiger.
Tiger, Tiger, Tiger.
Really? (In my best Amy Poehler voice).
A hot, blond, Swede wasn't good enough for you?
Voicemails, sexting, and email evidence?
A car accident at 2am in your drive-way that had nothing to do with your angry, hot, blond Swedish wife trying to putt you into the ground with your best 4-iron?
Worst of all - you will now be known as the cliche male athlete:
you had everything but wanted more.

Tiger's statement
Read the comments on Jezebel
The voicemail


Hottie of the Week (Player we love right now)

Bernard Scott - so cute! He's a rookie playing for the Bengals. He has yet to score (a touchdown that is) but we think he has super potential for the playoffs.

Score (featured game of the week)

Is it Monday yet? The New Orleans Saints (still hot - still a perfect 10-0) will play the New England patriots (7-3) at the New Orleans Superdome. Hottie Reggie Bush is asking all fans to wear all black to the game. Nice! Just my style. His good taste in clothing color still does not make up for his bad taste in ladies. He reconciled with Kim toomuchmakeup Kardashian in September. Now, after some time apart, they are

back together and looking for a house to share. Kim has said that they have decided to make it work between them - is that the sign of true love? - Miss Cin City

What to do Turkey day (besides a tryptophan overdose)

Give your parents and girlfriend a tour of your new 30 thousand plus sq. ft. home scheduled to be completed next year in Tampa.

Workout (as if.) A Rod and Kate Hudson were spotted at the Gold's Gym in Venice working out on Thursday morning. Both are sporting grey workout gear and shades. Very incognito. - Miss Cin City

Happy Holidays (pay it forward)
So pro football player Will Anderson left his Mac laptop and iphone in the ATL airport yesterday when he was traveling with his son. A good hearted lady named Alison Wilson turned it in and got it back to him. She refused a cash reward so he is sending her a signed jersey. So cool. A perfect Holiday story that makes me want to curl up with a spiked hot chocolate and watch my new DVD of a crackling fire. - Miss Cin City

Movies being watched now (Is Saturday night date night or what??)

This has been a great Thanksgiving weekend. By the time Saturday night rolled around I was ready to escape from my life by way of a movie. I love going to the movies. Being in a sold out theatre with stadium seating and great surround sound. Having said that, you could not pay me enough to see The Blind Side. I saw 2012. It was depressing - I mean it is about the end of the world. And not many of us survive. But the special effects were great (overall 3.5 stars.) I was not the only one watching highly paid actors on screen. Danika Patrick watched Gran Torino (I rated this move 3 stars) and Ryan Newman watched Forrest Gump (wtf?) (2 stars) presumably in their respective private screens rooms in their houses. Nice date night selections. -Miss Cin City.

Monday, November 23, 2009

New post every Monday!

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Featured! (Most inspiring player this week)

What is the best way to drop a few pounds? Well exercise of course. But when Eddy Curry
of the NY Knicks discussed his recent dramatic weight loss, he explained that the most
effective part of his diet was giving up surgary soda and fruit juice. And it worked because he
looks great! Now he will be put to the test when he plays his first game of the season, back after
recovering from an injury, all of NYC is hoping he can revive his terrible team in the hopes they
actually win a game. - Miss Cin City

Score! (points for controversy)

People will do anything for publicity. It's so sad. And what happened to just being caught getting out of a limo with no drawers on? Do you really have to stoop as low and to make fun of a skin condition? Apparently so. The Miami Herald is reporting that the (self proclaimed) King of All Spanglish Media (wtf?) Enrique Santos claims he was wrongfully booted from Sammy Sosa's big birthday party at Miami hot spot Fountainebleau, for wearing make up to make him super dark - e.i. the doppelganger of Sammy Sosa.

Here is Sammy with green contacts after the use of a skin creme. And here is the "King" in makeup - I would have kicked him out and kicked his ass. - Miss Cin City

Vaca! (How and where to spend your much deserved post season)

Ah St. Barts. The perfect turquoise blue water that meets with the periwinkle clear blue sky.
imagining this popular tourist destination makes me squirm in my cubicle chair and long

for a vacation of my own. And while I am at it, I will dream of having enough cash to rent my own private beach! That's right, pristine white sand that warms my feet as I walk along hand in hand with my "captain" of a boyfriend. So private and secluded. Well ok just a few paparazzi because hey I look hot in this mismatched bikini. Ok so you may have realized that I tried to turn my own life into the life of actress Minka Kelly. Her life is all about sports - from acting on "Friday Night Lights" to dating (come on - are they engaged or not??) Yankee Captain Derek Jeter. Aren't they having a blast??

Hopefully they will be looking at more than just each others eyes while in St. Barts. The architecture all over the island is reminiscent of the lines of the thatched roofs from Normandy, France. That is worthy of at least one digital photo Minka.


Andre Agassi's autobiography Open sounds like a juicy and fascinating read. Agassi is very open
about his crystal meth use(!), marriage to Brooke, his hair piece (!!!) and his struggle as professional tennis player. I'm adding this to my Christmas list.

Here are a couple of quotes from the book:

"I’m a young man, relatively speaking. Thirty-six. But I wake as if ninety-six. After three decades of sprinting, stopping on a dime, jumping high and landing hard, my body no longer feels like my body, especially in the morning. Consequently my mind doesn’t feel like my mind. Upon opening my eyes I’m a stranger to myself, and while, again, this isn’t new, in the mornings it’s more pronounced. I run quickly through the basic facts. My name is Andre Agassi. My wife’s name is Stefanie Graf. We have two children, a son and daughter, five and three. We live in Las Vegas, Nevada, but currently reside in a suite at the Four Seasons hotel in New York City, because I’m playing in the 2006 U.S. Open. My last U.S. Open. In fact my last tournament ever. I play tennis for a living, even though I hate tennis, hate it with a dark and secret passion, and always have."

"Of course I could play without my hairpiece. But after months of derision, criticism, mockery, I'm too self-conscious," he wrote. "Image Is Everything? What would they say if they knew? Win or lose, they wouldn't talk about my game. They'd only talk about my hair. I can close my eyes and almost hear it. And I know I can't take it."

Hollywood and Sports
Believe it or not, there was another movie that opened this weekend besides that vampire/werewolf movie (which I may or may not have watched) The Blind Side tells the true story of Balitmore Raven Michael Oher, a homeless African-American youth, taken in by a well-to-do white family. It's gotten good reviews and it is a pretty amazing story. But everytime I saw the preview, I groaned. Sandra Bullock looked and sounded like she was trying to hard and I didn't like her character. Here's the trailer, what do you think? -MsAngeles

Monday, November 16, 2009

Cincinnati must be proud

Check back all week for

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Featured! (Game, team or player we are into today)
Who dey! Who dey! Today the Bengals were able to win big against division rivals, the Pittsburgh Steelers - in Pittsburgh! The defence looked unbelievable! They took Big Ben Roethlisberger down - sacking him 4 times. It is so great to see him on his ass or better yet with the front of his helmet in the turf. A great win, and it happened even before my good luck Touch by Alyssa Milano Bengals sweatshirt arrived! But back to reality, Cincinnati quarterback Carson Palmer says they are not in shape enough to win the Superbowl. At least they are realizing this early enough that they have time to improve... Best part the game today? Hearing Muse as the NFL Today went to commercial. - Miss Cin City

Hot Athlete of the Week (is this droolworthy?)
Merriam Webster defines a hobo as "a homeless and usually penniless vagabond." That is not how I would describe Derek Jeter - until now. He was spotted shooting a new Will Ferrell movie in Coney Island called "The Other Guys" where he plays just that. Costumed in a wig and dirty clothes in NYC, he was all laughs between takes as the female fans swooned. Is it wrong to be attracted to this? - Miss Cin City

Spotted (celebs out and about)
Vince Vaughn loves hockey. This week he watched the Blackhawks win in a shootout sitting front and center. And how cool that his lady like to drink pints of beer! - Miss Cin City

Vaca! (or in this case - a place to avoid)
At FedEx Field, where the Washington Redskins play, you can buy beer in the mens bathroom. Now I love beer. But buying in the place where someone goes to get rid of it is too gross. According to Extreme Skins, the official message board of the team, it has been going on for like a year. So ladies, one more reason to avoid the mens bathroom. - Miss Cin City

Only in LA

What do you do when a hamstring injury prevents you from playing basketball? Well, if you live in LA, why not act? That's what Pau Gasol was doing. The 7-ft Spaniard is going to be on CSI: Miami tonight. What about his day job? Well, he supposedly might start practicing again. Lakers fans are happy to hear this. They've lost 2 in a row (blasphemy!).


Monday, November 9, 2009

Time for winter sports galore!

Follow us on Twitter! We live tweet during games!

Check back all week for Updates!

Hot Athlete of the Week (it's all about the clothes)

The whole world knows that the New York Yankees won their 27th World Series. Since the end of title clinching game 6 the Yankees hottest players have been on a PR worldwide tour. And now we are really seeing some true talent. CC Sabathia was a guest (via satellite) on Jay Leno for the "10 questions at 10" segment. He looked super cute! Wearing a military style green jacket over a crisp white T. And he was at 30 Roc out in the cold so he also sported an adorable old school beanie. He was nice and charming during the questions - and his smile! So cute! He is definitely my HAOTW.

Now on to the Parade for the Yankees going up the "Canyon of Heroes" in lower Manhattan. Of course the Yankees were all smiles. But my smile vanished as soon as I saw the hat A Rod was sporting. Ok he is dressed in all black clothes - Jay Z style. But really? What year does he think this is?

Onto basketball: the Least Hot Athlete of the Week though, makes A Rod look like the Diva he is. I am talking about Lebron James. I mean - can you guess what Emo band playing on his I Pod right before this press conference? Yes he killed the Knicks scoring 19 points all by himself in the first quarter but that is no excuse!

Theres A-Rod!! #Yankees Parade on Twitpic

Monday, November 2, 2009

Keep on Running

Featured! (Game, team or player we are into today)
Today was a perfect day in NYC.  What's the best way to recover from a wet Halloween parade followed by a steamy costume party? How about running over 26 miles through the 5 boros. Bright and early this morning the 40th incarnation of the ING NYC Marathon started in Staten Island. For the women this year, when the elite 5 (who are all moms) broke away from the rest of the pack heading up First Ave toward the Bronx  you could feel the intense determination of Paula Radcliff (UK) as she lead.  But with only 2 miles until the finish line she faltered and gave way to Derartu Tulu from Ethiopia. The bigger news is that Meb Keflezighi (USA) finished first for the men.  He is the first American to win since 1982.  He finished in just over 2 hours and 9 minutes.  As he crossed the finish line Lenny Kravit's "Always on the run" was playing.

Vaca! (cool tidbits for your sports holiday)
If you find yourself in the city of brotherly love (you'd never know it was nicknamed that by the way the fans act) don't be surprised if, when you arrive by train you get booed like the Yankees did. And if you have time after your World Series game to do a bit of site seeing you must check out the Arshile Gorky exhibit at the Philly Museum of Art.

Make a Difference (ways to get involved)
So many people were running the Marathon today for a charity.  52 year old Joan Benoit Samuelson ran in a bright yellow Livestrong tank top.  Anthony Edwards ran to raise awareness for Shoe 4 Africa. He is big into this charity, even donating his $125,000 salary from the final episode of ER last year to the cause.  You can help their with their latest venture of building a new hospital in Africa.

Best, Miss Cin City