Monday, December 7, 2009

New Post Every Monday! Check back all week for updates!

Hottie of the week (just signed)
By Miss Cin City

Tony Pena Jr was just signed to play for the Giants.
He comes from a baseball family and it shows!

Featured! (Player we are into this week)
Wow - he grew up fast and got hot! The SEC MVP Greg McElroy, #12 went 12 of 18 for 239 yards and a touchdown. Not bad.

Really? (I mean Really??!!??)
Who hasn't arrived at work in the wee hours of the morning and wanted to sit down in their own private grey walled cubicle and pour themselves a tall, cold, bubbly mimosa? Who amongst us hasn't dreamed of walking to the office in sweatpants and flip flops? But we live in the real world. No not the show on MTV. But the real - real world. Where we have to be coherant and presentable at work. Who does Ron Artest think he is? Does he think it is really alright to don his "nicest" boxers and call it a outfit on a late night talk show. And now it comes out that he drank (I just threw up a bit in my mouth) Hennessey during halftime? I think this might mean you have a problem. No not with alcohol but with your mind...what a crazy! Soon we will see you roaming the Lower East Side and talking to yourself.

You gotta love (what did right by us!)
So Jet Blue. How great is it to fly Jet Blue? The leather seats - the funny faux attitudes and thank goodness for the TV! On my recent flight to sunny (well Ok actually its raining...) I sat in front of the worst Fran Drescher inpersonator. OMG! And she could not stop talking about how, "Tiger's wife should just keep her mouth shut for 2 more years - b/c then her contract would upgrade to a $55 mill payout if - I mean when - they divorce." Please. And then she did her best throaty laugh - he ha he ha. So annoying, which is why I said earlier - thank you Jet Blue for the TV - so I put in my noise canceling ear buds and relaxed. Then, on final approach, The Captain, said it as going to get bumpy. No worries. I took out my ear buds just in time to hear (3 hours later!!) they the 3 behind me were still talking Tiger (or Cheetah) as the one in the middle referred to him as. The one on the isle said, " well my sister works in Vegas and she sees Tiger all the time at her club. He is definitely a Cheetah!" So annoying!!

At the Game: The Kids Are Alright (Knicks vs Nets)
It was "Knicks City Kids" day at Madison Square Garden and they provided the best entertainment for a game featuring two of the worst teams in the NBA. While the Nets looked sharp in the 1st half and threatened to win their 2nd(!) game of the seaon, the crowd was entertained by kids ranging in age from 12-5 who sang, juggled, played the organ, announced and dj'd (the five year old - DJ CJ). My ovaries were ready to explode from the cute overload!

Oh yeah, the Knicks won 106-97. Towards the end of the game, fans started chanting "We want Nate", referring to the 5-foot-9 Nate Robinson, a fan favorite, who hasn't played in the last three games. Coach Mike D'Antoni was not impressed or moved to heed the fans request. The Knicks have won three of their last 4 games.

SNL - Breaking News: The Tiger Woods Drama
So what do you guys think? Was this appropriate for SNL when Rihanna was the guest musician? Is it ever right to make fun of domestic abuse - even if it's the guy receiving it? To be honest, I thought it was funny. But maybe I shouldn't have?
Check it out: